Copyright © Mercedes Cecilia
JIN SHIN JYUTSU® literally translated is:
SHIN - Creator
JIN - Person of Knowing and Compassion
(Art of the Creator through a person of knowing and compassion)
JIN SHIN JYUTSU® is the Art of releasing tensions which are the causes for various symptoms in the body. Our bodies contain several energy pathways that feed life into all of our cells. When one or more of these paths become blocked, this damming effect may lead to discomfort or even pain. This blockage may create disharmony of the energy flow.
Through Jin Shin Jyutsu® our awareness is awakened to the simple fact that we are endowed with the ability to harmonize and balance ourselves (in rhythm with the universe) physically, mentally and spiritually. Jin Shin Jyutsu® is an Art as opposed to a technique because a technique is a mechanical application, whereas an Art is a skillful creation. This beautiful, simple Art is our inheritance.
Science Meets Jin Shin Jyutsu®
Sixty years ago, scientists started using the concepts of quantum physics to understand biological processes, which has given them a vocabulary to describe the subtle forces that healers have been working with for millenia. Scientists have seen that fascia, the connective tissue found throughout the body, is made of collagen proteins arranged with water molecules in a highly structured way, similar to crystals. That arrangement allows fascia to be a conductor for the flow of electrons and protons. Some scientists theorize that acupuncture meridians, called flows in Jin Shin Jyutsu®, may be pathways of decreased resistance to the flow of electrons and protons within the crystalline matrix of tissue in the body. The free movement of these subatomic particles plays a major role in the process of healing.
Mary says of Jin Shin Jyutsu
"It is not application of technique; it is demonstration of art, Simply Being the channel through which infinite aesthetic powers of the Creator flow."
What to expect during a Jin Shin Jyutsu session with a Certified Practitioner
After listening to the energy pulses in the wrists, the palm or finger tips are applied lightly over clothing, to help to unblock the pathway of energy, and help restore the flow of energy to the rhythm of the universe. A "flow" is a series of light hand placement combinations (using the "safety energy locks") to help the circulation of energy along a given pathway. There are many such pathways in the body, each with a distinct function. After listening to the energy pulse at the wrist, the practitioner gently touches (over clothing) Safety Energy Locks in specific sequences which harmonize the flow of Universal Energy.
In Jin Shin Jyutsu the practitioner does not diagnose, manipulate or re-direct the body or the energy flow. We use our hands to listen through the Safety Energy Locks to the innate knowing of Harmony.
Jin Shin Jyutsu® is a safe and effective complement to medical protocols. Hands-on sessions from a trained professional, a family member, and/or use of self-care offer support when medical intervention is needed.
For further information on The Art of JIN SHIN JYUTSU®, please contact Mercedes Cecilia HERE.
“Infinite intelligence is within my self."
“ The truth is that with each one of us lies the power to cast all misery aside and to KNOW complete Peace and Oneness-BE that Beautiful creation of perfect harmony-to truly KNOW (Help) MYSELF.”
-Mary Burmeister